

Dedicated and certified team

Dr Marc Olivier Lalande

Chiropractor DC

Dre Renée Farand Mendez - Chiropraticienne - Chiro du Nord

Dre Renée Farand Mendez

Chiropractor DC

Dre Shantal Latulippe - Chiropraticienne - Chiro du Nord

Dre Shantal Latulippe

Chiropractor DC

Meet Our Chiropractors

Dre Renée Farand Mendez

All the patients who have had the opportunity to meet Renée over the past year would tell you that the best word to describe her is passionate.

She is just as passionate about chiropractic as she is  about her patients, her family and her travels.

It’s difficult to forget her since she has the gift of establishing deep and meaningful connections with those she meets, which also contributes to making her an outstanding chiropractor and a first-rate health professional. 

Renée is a graduate of Sherman College (South Carolina) and is fluent in English, Spanish and French.

She will listen to you, put you at ease and support you on your health journey.

Your well-being is her priority!

Dr Marc Olivier Lalande

Dr. Marc Olivier Lalande, chiropractor, completed his studies in chiropractic at the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières in May 2017.

He had the chance to learn the Integrated Gravel Technique (GIT) under the tutelage of Dr. Pierre Gravel, chiropractor, PhC, one of the greatest and best known chiropractors the province has known.

In addition, he has followed numerous training courses in recent years relating to functional neurology, posturology, pediatrics in addition to hours of continuing training in clinical radiology.

All this with the aim of optimizing the posture, health and energy of its patients.

Dr Marc Olivier Lalande - Chiropratique - Chiro du Nord
Dre Shantal Latulippe - Chiropratique - Chiro du Nord

Dre Shantal Latulippe

With more than 25 years of experience, it is with great pride and enthusiasm that we welcome her to the Chiro du Nord team.

She studied at Palmer College of Chiropractic, which allows her to use a diverse range of specific techniques such as Gonstead, Thompson, HIO, SOT, Diversified and Activator. Graduated in 1995, she returned to Quebec to practice for several years in Montreal.

When she had her children, she wanted to find herself in a more rural environment, hence the magnificent Laurentides region.

Since 1996, she has taught our beautiful profession at the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières, in the only establishment where the doctorate in chiropractic is given in Quebec.

She also completed post-graduate training in sports chiropractic.


Meet the other members of our winning team!

Nina Folco - Assistante Chiropratique - Chiro du Nord

Nina Folco

Chiropractic Assistant


Massage Therapist

Christine Millette​ - Naturopathe - Chiro du Nord

Christine Millette


Nathalie Trudel

Massage Therapist

Bianca Boiasu


Nina Folco

Meet Nina, our amazing assistant who will be there to welcome you during your appointments.

Her kindness and her smile will make you want to come back and see us!

Nina has several years of administrative experience.

She will be our right arm to allow us to have more time with our wonderful patients.

Helping people and ensuring their well-being is a priority for us.

Nina Folco - Assistante Chiropratique - Chiro du Nord
Christine Millette​ - Naturopathe - Chiro du Nord

Christine Millette

Christine is qualified in naturopathy by the Collège des Médecines Douces du Québec, also recognized as a therapist in helping relationships by the RITMA association.

Passionate about human beings and the body’s ability to heal itself with the help of nature, she has a thirst to learn more and more about all the natural methods that can help restore and maintain health.

In constant training, she will listen to you, support you and guide you towards solutions adapted to your needs, your choices and your abilities, at your own pace.

She has the sincere desire to support you and guide you towards physical, psychological and emotional well-being.


Zoé, a massage therapy graduate, followed training in the Emergressence technique at the EauVie Center.

This particular technique has its roots in California and is described as holistic.

During your massage, Zoé will take into consideration your physical state but also the emotional and psychological overload that your body will show her.

She will be able to free you from the muscular tensions that weigh you down as well as the emotions that inhabit you.

Nathalie Trudel

It was after more than 30 years in the transportation field that I redirected my career towards massage therapy.

My studies in this field were the turning point of a personal quest and allowed me to realize a long-held dream.

Now a massage therapist for 2 years, my commitment goes beyond the profession: I want to take care of others. Each session offered is imbued with my sincere wish to offer relaxation, relief and regeneration.

My atypical career path taught me that professional satisfaction lies in pursuing your dreams.

Today, I share the results of my varied training to offer caring and personalized care, seeking to bring balance and well-being.

Bianca Boiasu

I am a graduate of Rosemont College in Montreal and a Member of the Order of Acupuncturists of Quebec.

My passion for the body in movement first led me to begin my professional life as a circus artist.

It then introduced me to acupuncture and its thousand virtues.

This traditional Chinese medicine, which can provide both physical and emotional support, made me want to learn more about human beings.

Today, I want to share the knowledge that I have acquired over the last few years in order to allow others to achieve their goals through optimal health.

I offer treatments for people of all ages, children and adults.