About us

#Learn more about the clinic

Specialized services with our chiropractors

Chiro du Nord is a holistic health center offering various services to help you manage and cure several health problems.

Our doctors in chiropractic have been offering their services to the population of the Laurentians and surrounding areas for several years.

Their mission is simple: to enable you to live a life to your full potential!

Our team will be happy to welcome you, listen to you and take all possible measures to help you achieve your objectives.

Our chiropractors are trained with the highest standards of the profession and are equipped with an x-ray system to help them analyze your problem.

Here is an abbreviated list of conditions we are used to working with.

For any other health condition, call us and we will be happy to provide you with possible solutions.

List of conditions:

  • Sciatica
  • Low back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Headache
  • Migraine
  • Headache
  • Subluxation
  • Lumbar sprain
  • Herniated disc
  • Brachialgia
  • Sprain of other joints (e.g. ankle, wrist)
  • Knee pain
  • Hip pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Pain in other joints (e.g. elbow, wrist, foot)

We offer an x-ray service to analyze your health problem in details.

Dre Renée Farand Mendez regarde un écran lors du service de radiographie
ready to serve you
0 + Certified professionals

#Meet our chiropractors

Our specialized and certified chiropractors

Dr Marc Olivier Lalande

Chiropractor DC

Dre Renée Farand Mendez - Chiropraticienne - Chiro du Nord

Dre Renée Farand Mendez

Chiropractor DC

Dre Shantal Latulippe - Chiropraticienne - Chiro du Nord

Dre Shantal Latulippe

Chiropractor DC

Patients treated
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Your chiropractors are specialized in your well-being

5-star reviews
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We have the best clinical practices, with the latest technological equipment

professionals in the center
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Chiropractors and professionals invested in your health

Located near your favorite stores in Saint-Jérôme

#The Clinic

A dedicated health center

Technological equipment

Easy and pleasant appointment booking

Committed healthcare professionals

Certifications and expertise

Book an appointment today!